Sunday, January 14, 2007

Courtney and Lena in Bryant park

here we are, the masterminds behind it all. the only picture of us on our trip.

At the airport

the train to baggage claim at ATL airport
Sponge gets buckled into first class seat.
Note- the captain of the plane was not having any ofour nonsense. He refused to pose for this project.

Spongebob gets special treament (check out the guy with the cane walking and sponge getting the lift from airport staff!)

the trip winds down

Sponge is driving the Q 32 bus back to Jackson Heights

my sister with Spongebob

out and about

the whispering wall in grand central station

Houser memorial in Central park

this troubador seranaded sponge at our Michael Houser Memorial at Straberry Fields. This other guy was just a weirdo.

visiting the empire state building

this guy is interviewing sponge about advertising.

Men in Uniform love him